Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Sep 09 2023 - 15:00
Sep 09 2023 - 15:30
Sep 09 2023 - 16:00
Sep 09 2023 - 16:30

Museo della città, Rovereto

Riflessi. Le pieghe dell'acqua

World premier | Production Oriente Occidente | Itinerant performance

Riflessi. Le pieghe dell'acqua, Francesca Bertolini | ph Andjela Mandic

Water is alive; it is a vibrant body.
Cities have always been built close to the water, but often places go unnoticed and rivers flow without us even noticing. However, what happens when water begins to run out? Or when it breaks through with full force?

Riflessi invites the audience to follow the traces of water in Rovereto, in a durational, itinerant performance that is like an urban exploration of unnoticed, overlooked or inaccessible places.
Seven dancers together with a paper map invite us to orient ourselves by leaving behind the usual points of reference in order to find others, sometimes unknown, linked to the presence - or absence - of water in the city.

To rediscover that water is life and none of us is an island.


Accessible space for people with physical disabilities.
Free admission with reservation.

For more information on accessibility click here.

Riflessi. Le pieghe dell'acqua

Choreography Francesca Bertolini
Performers Francesca Bertolini, Silvia Dezulian, Lucrezia Gabrieli, Lorenzo Morandini, Serena Pedrotti, Filippo Porro, Gloria Trolla
Muisc design Mattia Nardon
Production Oriente Occidente

With the support of Fondazione CARITRO.
As part of the project Lungo Le Vie Dell'ACQUA: Ambiente, Cultura, Qualità Di Vita Per Educare Alla Cittadinanza Globale (Along the Ways of Water: Environment, Culture, Quality of Life To Educate Global Citizenship), sponsored by the City of Rovereto and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.