Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Sep 05 2023 - 09:30
Sep 06 2023 - 16:00

Piazza Urban City | Piazza Erbe

The Syncopators

National premier

The Syncopators, Ingri Fiksdal | ph Izabella Englund

We mostly know a time of the western world modelled on the capitalistic idea of progress, which has resulted in an unsustainable global situation both from a social and environmental point of view.

Based on the reflections of sociologist Rolando Vazques, Ingri Fiksdal intend to interrupt the time of public space and generate unexpected encounters with “The Syncopators”.
Five performers represent what we do not know. With their flashy costumes they cross everyday life on squares and transform cycles, habits, and flows.
They produce a syncopation, a displacement of rhythm, in an attempt to replace the one-sided vision of time focused on productivity with a free, plural and inclusive gaze.

Ingri Fiksdal's research focuses on exploring choreography as a potential field of alterations, modified states and cognitive investigations.

Ilaria Sambucci, Quarta Parete Roma


Accessible space for people with physical disabilities.
Family-friendly performance.
Accessible to deaf people.
Free admission.

For more information on accessibility click here.

The Syncopators

Choreography Ingri Fiksdal
Performance Fiksdal, Floen, Slåttøy
Costumes Fredrik Floen
Co-creators and performers Harald Beharie, Even Eilerås, Jonathan Ibsen, Mariama Fatou Kalley Slåttøy, Ornilia Ubisse
Alternating performers Edith Strand Askeland, Trine Lise Moe, Daniel Sarr

Production and administration Eva Grainger
Production and distribution Nicole Schuchardt
Produced by Fiksdal Dans Stiftelse
Supported by Arts Council Norway

The guest performance is supported by Performing Arts Hub Norway and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Duration 40'

As part of the project Lungo Le Vie Dell'ACQUA: Ambiente, Cultura, Qualità Di Vita Per Educare Alla Cittadinanza Globale (Along the Ways of Water: Environment, Culture, Quality of Life To Educate Global Citizenship), sponsored by the City of Rovereto and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
With the support of Fondazione CARITRO.