Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Sep 05 2023 - 18:30

Teatro Zandonai, Rovereto

Strong Born

National premier

Strongborn, Kat Válastur | ph Vito Walter

Iphigenia means 'strong born'.
Hence the title of Kat Válastur's creation, inspired by Euripides' tragedy and the archaic ritual of the fire walkers widespread in northern Greece, channelling them into a dance that aspires to transform a demand for sacrifice into a rebellious resistance against it.

Kat Válastur sets her work in the overturning of the meaning of sacrifice, understanding it as a force for affirmation, by staging, together with the three performers, a contemporary feminist ritual.
The movements of the three female performers are determined by sound-making elements attached to their bodies and the resonating interplay with a circular wooden platform.
Accompanied by percussionist Valentina Magaletti, the seemingly sacrificial ritual reveals a sonic female force against disposability and for empowerment.

Válastur allows you to physically witness the metamorphosis of his characters. It does not matter whether or not you know their backstory.

- Lennart Garbes, RBB Kultur

This show is included in the ticket pass GENDER ISSUES


Accessible space for people with physical disabilities.
Accessible to people who are deaf.
Touch tour for blind people.
Accessible to deaf people.
Presence of loud noises.
Presence of smoke machine.
Nudity on stage.

For more information on accessibility click here.

Strong Born

Concept & choreography Kat Válastur
Performers Noémie Ettlin, Noumissa Sidibé, Xenia Koghilaki
Music Valentina Magaletti
Lighting design & technical direction Martin Beeretz
Lighting design collaboration Vito Walter
Sound design & surround mixing Vagelis Tsatsis
Choreographic assistance Michalis Angelidis
Stage design Ulrich Leitner
Stage design collaboration Leon Eixenberger
Costumes Marie Gerstenberger/werkstattkollektiv
Porcelain & woodern objects Nina Krainer
Porcelain pieces collaboration Mercedes Bonzai
Porcelain pieces made at Ceramic Kingdom, Berlin
Scent design Klara Ravat
Video & editing Ethan Folk, Nadja Krüger
Video programmer Hauke Vogt
Dramaturgical advice Filippos Telesto
Texts Yannis Pappachristos & Kat Válastur

Production management Marina Agathangelidou, Mascha Euchner-Martinez, Sina Kießling
Touring management Mascha Euchner-Martinez
Distribution Yann Gibert
Production Kat Válastur
Co-production Tanz im August/HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Hauptstadtkulturfonds

Duration 80'

With the support of Fondazione CARITRO.