Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Sep 07 2022 - 18:30

Teatro Zandonai, Rovereto


National premiere | Co-production Oriente Occidente

Encantado, Lia Rodrigues | ph Sammi Landweer

While “encantado” in Latin suggests magic spells, in Brazil the word refers to entities from the country’s Afro-indigenous heritage. The “encantados” are creatures animated by unknown forces that move between the earth and the sky, which live in intimate relationship with nature and have magical healing powers.

Encantado is also the title of the latest creation by Lia Rodrigues, a radical militant choreographer, in both her work and actions, who since 2004 has been combining artistic creativity and teaching in the favela of Maré in Rio de Janeiro, where her company is based. Encantado was created during the dramatic pandemic crisis that has hit the world, specially Brasil, Rodrigues wonders how we can "enchant our fears" to bring us back closer to each other.

An invitation to recover the natural strength that can overcome borders and barriers, prejudice and stereotypes, to unite bodies. That enchantment which, on the stage, becomes the forceful dance that rises like a swell driven by the wind of the beauty of coming together.

Lia Rodrigues' hymn to joy. The Brazilian choreographer assigns an urgency, a freedom and a dazzling and healthy flavour to creation.

- Le Figaro


Creation Lia Rodrigues
Danced and created in close collaboration by Leonardo Nunes, Carolina Repetto, Valentina Fittipaldi, Andrey da Silva, Larissa Lima, Ricardo Xavier, Dandara Patroclo, David Abreu, Felipe Vian, Tiago Oliveira, Raquel Alexandre
Also created by Joana Castro et Matheus Macena
Choreographic Assistant Amalia Lima
Dramaturgy Silvia Soter
Artistic collaboration and images Sammi Landweer
Light Design Nicolas Boudier
Stage managers Magali Foubert and Baptistine Méral
Music excerpts songs of the GUARANI MBYA PEOPLE / Village of Kalipety do T.I. indigenous territory / Tenondé Porã, (sung and played during the indigenous demonstration in Brasilia in August 2021 for the recognition of their ancestral lands in danger)
Sound Alexandre Seabra
International representation /Booking Colette de Turville
Production coordinator Astrid Toledo
Administration Jacques Segueilla
Production Brazil Gabi Gonçalves/ Corpo Rastreado
Production project Goethe Institut Claudia Oliveira
Secretary Gloria Laureano
Teachers Amalia Lima, Sylvia Barretto, Valentina Fittipaldi
Coproduction Chaillot - Théâtre National de la Danse - Paris, Le CENTQUATRE - Paris, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Scène nationale Carré - Colonnes, Bordeaux Métropole , Le TAP - Théâtre Auditorium de Poitiers, Scène nationale du Sud - Aquitain, La Coursive, Scène nationale La Rochelle, L’Empreinte, Scène nationale Brive - Tulle, Théâtre d’Angoulême, Scène Nationale, Le Moulin du Roc, Scène nationale à Niort, La Scène Nationale d’Aubusson, Théâtre Jean Lurçat, l’OARA - Office Artistique de la Région Nouvelle -Aquitaine, Le Kunstenfestivaldesarts - Bruxelles, Theaterfestival - Basel, HAU Hebbel am Ufer - Berlin, Oriente Occidente Dance Festival - Rovereto, Theater Freiburg, Julidans - Amsterdam, Teatro Municipal do Porto, DDD - Festival Dias Da Dança and Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças, Association Lia Rodrigues - France with the support of Redes da Maré and Centro de Artes da Maré and the partners of the FONDOC (Occitanie)
With the support of the International Relief Fund for Cultural and Educational Organizations 2021 of the German Federal Foreign Office, the Goethe-Institut and other partners

Lia Rodrigues is an associate artist of Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse and CENTQUATRE, France.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thérèse Barbanel, Antoine Manologlou, Maguy Marin, Eliana Souza Silva, team of the Centro de Artes da Maré

Piece dedicated to Oliver

Duration 60 min

The project is supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto