Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Sep 07 2022 - 20:00

Mart, Rovereto



Hermandad, Pietro Marullo | ph Thibaut De Lestré

Strongly characterised by interdisciplinary works that blend visual and performing art, installations, videos and new technology, the work of Italian artist Pietro Marullo, based in Brussels, often focuses on social, historical and anthropological themes.

This also applies to the appointment at Oriente Occidente, where Marullo returns with three works looking at the Mediterranean: ARANCE - avoid shooting blacks, HERMANDAD and Gaia Empathy #1 JORDAN.

The poetic element connecting the three projects is water. ARANCE - avoid shooting blacks is a performance that invites us to reflect on the migrants’ journeys across the Mare Nostrum to reach Europe, which often turns out to be a land of violence and indifference, despite the indissoluble bond between our continent and Africa.

HERMANDAD, on the other hand, mixes dance, visual art and sound, creating an aesthetic experience around the themes of brotherhood and sisterhood, on a journey through different rituals involving water as the primordial element of the development of life and of communities.

Finally, in JORDAN, a video work which is the first chapter of the Gaia Empathy project, the protagonist is the scarcity of water: an absence that increasingly forces people to migrate.


Concept, direction and choreography Pietro Marullo
Sound Jean Noel Boisse
Scenography Pietro Marullo
Scenography concultant Diana Ciufo
Light Design Ryoya Fudetani
Dramaturgy Adviser Enrico Pitozzi
Production Manager Melissa Rodriguez
Promotion Giulia Menti
Performers Marianna Cifarelli, Julia Farber Data, Vasco Pedro Mirine, Júlia Eva Bondone, alternating Edoardo Brovardi, Margherita Pellerano, Tejaswini Dilip Loundo, Barbara Allegrezza
Production The Pink Session (France) & Insieme Irreali (Belgique)
Coproduction Les Halles de Schaerbeek (Belgio), Dance Haus / Centro di produzione Milan (Italia), TanzHaus Zurich (Svizzera), Briqueterie - CDCN du Val-de-Marne (Francia), Supports Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgio), Wallonie-Bruxelles International (Belgio), 30CC Leuven (Belgio), CC Ottignie Louvan La Neuve (Belgio), Théâtre Marni (Belgio), IntercettAzioni - Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia (un progetto di Circuito CLAPS e Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, Teatro delle Moire, Zona K), CARGO / Virgilio Sieni (Italia), NID Platform et avec le soutien de l’Institut culturel italien de Paris, FIND Cagliari (Italia), Moving Borders / CAMP IN (Mexico)

Duration 30 min

Gaia Empathy #1 JORDAN

Concept and direction Pietro Marullo
Camera operator Pietro Marullo, Leonardo Bosnia
Sound Jean Noel Boissé
Dramaturgy consultant Enrico Pitozzi
Assistant Marianna Cifarelli
Supported by Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Idea Festival / Studio 8 Amman (Giordania), Ambasciata Italiana di Amman, Wallonie Bruxelles Internationale

Project realised in collaboration with Mart - Museo di arte moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto