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Sep 06 2022 - 18:30

Auditorium Melotti, Rovereto

Naufragio con Spettatore

Naufragio con spettatore, Roberto Zappalà | ph. Alvaro Moldonado

Odysseus’ journey and many contemporary tragic odysseys have a common map, the Mediterranean. Roberto Zappalà uses this map as the starting point for his Naufragio con Spettatore (Shipwreck with Spectator), the first part of ODISSEO, a work that, through a narration of the myth of Odysseus, takes us on a journey on today’s routes of migrants, amidst exhausting sea crossings and countless landings on the coasts of Italy.

A poignant and extremely topical narration that, as the title – borrowed from Hans Blumenberg’s essay – suggests, absolves no one. The journey, hunger, thirst, the risk of dying, are intertwined with lives destined to continue in the shadow, confused identities, and a reception that is never truly welcoming.

The choreographic score of this duet and the intense movement of the performers combine with Luca Ballerini’s piano playing Bach and Marianna Cappellani’s voice singing Charles Gounod’s Ave Maria to produce a vivid picture of a struggle for survival that happens right before the indifferent eyes of many.

Roberto Zappalà has the rare gift of transforming contemporary dance into poetry and metaphor and tackles the theme of migration/emigration with sharp and straightforward gestures.

- Sergio Trombetta, La Stampa
Naufragio con Spettatore

Choreography and direction Roberto Zappalà
Music performed live Johann Sebastian Bach (preludi e fughe dal Clavicembalo ben temperato), Charles Gounod (Ave Maria)
Dramaturgy Nello Calabrò and Roberto Zappalà
Performers Fernando Roldan Ferrer and Roberto Provenzano
Piano Luca Ballerini
Soprano Marianna Cappellani
Lighting and Spatial Roberto Zappalà
Costume Design Debora Privitera
Production assistant Federica Cincotti
Management Vittorio Stasi
Technical Management Sammy Torrisi
General Management Maria Inguscio
Production Scenario Pubblico/ Compagnia Zappalà Danza – Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza
In collaboration with Teatro Stabile di Catania, ArtEZ Arnhem (NL), uva grapes Catania, contemporary dance festival, AME Associazione Musicale Etnea
Supported by MIC Ministero della Cultura e Regione Siciliana Ass.to del Turismo, dello Sport e dello Spettacolo

Duration 55 min

The project is supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto