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Aug 30 2019 - 20:00

Teatro alla Cartiera, Rovereto

ZOÉ Appunti sulla nuda vita

Work in progress

Genealogia | ph Estevan Reder

Zoé - Appunti sulla nuda vita (notes on naked life) is the first study of the two-year project Genealogia by the artist Luna Cenere.

Genealogia works around the theme of the body as landscape and life, as the Greek word ζωη (zoé) in the title of this first stage recalls. A study conducted in nudity according to a canon that is now distinctive of the artist's poetics with five dancers exploring the zero degree of life, the invisible, the mystery contained in every birth.

The process consists in the pure transposition of thoughts and experiences made on the local territory into choreographic gesture, in the construction of an alphabet, of signs and landscapes that together build different reading levels, a choreographic language that expresses and interprets the body-present-contemporary.

Zoé - Appunti sulla nuda vita, is the construction of a space in which a small community of bodies is brought back to the zero degree of life. A space for 'reflection' on the body and on existence, which in its nakedness offers itself to the gaze, human, animal, depersonalised, headless. What is 'reflection' if not also a projection of the observer onto the body that expresses itself? Choreography is a writing about bodies and bodies that in this case becomes a declination of the forms and meanings of their naked life.

ZOÉ Appunti sulla nuda vita

Concept and choreography Luna Cenere
Gerard Valverde Ros
Light design
Gianni Staropoli
Luna Cenere, Lucas Delfino, Daria Menichetti, Ilaria Quaglia, Davide Tagliavini
Produced by
Compagnia Körper
Coproduced by
Festival Oriente Occidente
Production & Distribution
Domenico Garofalo
With the support of
L’Arboreto - Teatro Dimora di Mondaino e Teatro Petrella di Longiano, AMAT Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali e Armunia/Festival Inequilibrio all'interno di ResiDance XL 2018 – luoghi e progetti di residenza per creazioni coreografiche, azione della Rete Anticorpi XL – Network Giovane Danza D’autore