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Sep 06 2023 - 18:30

Auditorium Melotti, Rovereto

L'Homme rare

National premier

L'Homme rare, Nadia Beugré | ph Olivier Miche

In mainstream culture, men who indulge in dances involving their hips and pelvis are considered feminine, as if moving these parts of the body were an insult or a threat to a preconceived masculinity.

Nadia Beugré, who has always been interested in gender issues, tackles them directly in her work “L'Homme rare”.
On stage are five dancers who define themselves as male. They wear heels, they show the back of their naked bodies, they move on a common choreographic construction, based on the study of urban dances from all over the world, in which what unites them is the swaying of their pelvises.
Taking as her starting point a game that confounds our perception, the choreographer examines the attitudes that, based on prejudice, define people in one gender or the other and she has the audience take a voyeuristic position from which to observe and judge.

Slaves were assessed for their physical fitness, but have we really moved away from a mercantile gaze on bodies?

Among the most internationally celebrated of Africa’s contemporary dancers. Her symbols, her metaphors are downright dizzying in their resonance.

- Elizabeth Hanly, Artburst

This show is included in the ticket pass GENDER ISSUES


Accessible space for people with physical disabilities.
Accessible to people who are deaf.
Partial nudity on stage.

For more information on accessibility click here.

L'Homme rare

Artistic direction and choreography Nadia Beugré
Performers Lucas Nicot, Daouda Keita, Nadim Bahsoun, Tahi Vadel Guei, Marius Moguiba
Technical direction and light Anthony Merlaud
Light management Anthony Merlaud, Beatriz Kaysel
Music Serge Gainsbourg, Lucas Nicot, Oblio drummers (DRC)
External eye Faustin Linyekula

Production and diffusion Virginie Dupray|Libr’Arts with support from Latitudes Contemporaines and Studios Kabako
Co-production Kunstenfestivaldesarts|Brussels, Théâtre de la Ville|Festival d’Automne à Paris, Montpellier Danse 2019/2020 résidence de création à l’Agora|cité internationale de la danse|with support from the BNP Paribas Foundation, CCN2|Centre Chorégraphique National de Grenoble, Centre Chorégraphique National d’Orléans – direction Maud Le Pladec, Kunstencentrum Vooruit|Gent, Musée de la Danse| Centre Chorégraphique National de Rennes et de Bretagne, BIT Teater garasjen|Bergen, Théâtre de Nîmes
With support from L’échangeur CDCN Hauts-de France (Studio Libre), Château-Thierry And the DRAC Occitanie – French Ministry of Culture and Communication

Duration 65'

With the support of Nuovi Mecenati - Franco Italian Foundation for Contemporary Creation.