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Sep 02 2018 - 16:00

Teatro alla Cartiera

This is your skin

Irene Russolillo, This is your skin | ph Sarah Melchiori


As an associate artist with the Oriente Occidente Festival for the 2017-2018 biennium, Irene Russolillo has had several opportunities to showcase her talent as a powerful performer and sharp choreographer. After her solo piece A Loan, based on Shakespeare’s sonnets and presented at the 2015 festival, she returned in the last edition as the magnetic lead in The Speech, another solo piece co-created with Argentine choreographer Lisi Estaras of Ballets C de la B. Russolillo also introduced audiences to the first creative phase of her new Wave Project, which debuts this year in a stage adaptation titled This is Your Skin.
In this project, for the first time in her career, the Puglian choreographer moves beyond the solo format to collaborate with two other performers, creating a “choreographed concert.” In This is Your Skin, the choreography interacts with songs performed live by the dancers. The original score, composed by Russolillo's trusted collaborator Spartaco Cortesi, who also co-authored the text, is atmospheric and fluid, lending itself to a rhythmic play intertwined with vocal performance. The choreography and the text, inherently connected, take shape around three bodies on stage, moving toward one another in a constant drive toward closeness.
Like an animated film interspersed with flashes of reality, This is Your Skin speaks through its excesses, its exclamations, and gestures that skirt the boundaries of choreographic articulation, avoiding a conventional narrative structure. Emotion is the core of Russolillo's choreographic vision, driving her to craft movements and gestures that create a purely musical and energetic space-time, aiming directly at the spectator’s heart.


Concept and Choreography: Irene Russolillo
Created by: Alice Giuliani, Alice Raffaelli, Irene Russolillo
Texts: Irene Russolillo and Spartaco Cortesi
Music: Spartaco Cortesi
Lighting Design: Valeria Foti
Performers: Alice Giuliani, Alice Raffaelli, Irene Russolillo
Co-produced by: Festival Oriente Occidente, Comune di Brentonico, Associazione Culturale VAN
In collaboration with: Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Parigi, Les Brigittines – Brussels, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bruxelles, CLAP Spettacolodalvivo – Brescia, Rete Habitat/Torri dell’acqua – Budrio (BO), SPAM! Rete per le arti contemporanee – Porcari (LU), Garage 29 – Brussels
Duration: 50 minutes