Oriente OccidenteOriente Occidente Logo
Sep 04 2022 - 18:30

Auditorium Melotti, Rovereto


National premiere

Lamenta, Koen Augustijnen e Rosalba Torres Guerrero | ph Heloise Faure

Farewell rituals exist in all cultures: mourning a loss and sharing our grief with the community enables us to face up to it. Dances and songs have always played a central role in rites of passage, particularly in Mediterranean cultures.

This is the case for the miroloi of Epirus, Greek dirges sung not only at funerals but also when someone leaves the family to marry or emigrate, and which are the source of inspiration for Lamenta, which arrives at Rovereto after being presented last year at the Avignon Festival.

Amazed by the fusion of these songs with modern sounds, choreographers Koen Augustijnen and Rosalba Torres Guerrero decided to bring together musicians from across Europe to accompany the powerful voice of Xanthoula Dakovanou, in a miroloi revival that glides seamlessly into musical forms influenced by post-rock and jazz. Masters in translating emotions into moving bodies, the two choreographers, together with the nine talented dancers on stage and 16 musicians (soundtrack), explore the fusion of tradition and contemporary creativity.

In Lamenta, a successful and much applauded choreography, the choral work and incessant rhythm is striking.

- Katia Tamburello, Kaos Cultura

Concept and choreography Koen Augustijnen e Rosalba Torres Guerrero
In collaboration with dancers Lamprini Gkolia, Christiana Kosiari, Konstantinos Chairetis, Petrina Giannakou, Dafni Stathatou, Athina Kyrousi, Taxiarchis Vasilakos, Alexandros Stavropoulos, Spyridon ‘Stak’ Christakis
Musical artistic direction Xanthoula Dakovanou
Music Magic Malik (flauto e voce), Nikos Filippidis (clarinetto), Kleon Andoniou (chitarra elettrica, voce), Solis Barkis (percussioni), Dimitris Brendas (clarinetto, kaval), Xanthoula Dakovanou (voce), Lefkothea Filippidi (voce), Kostas Filippidis (liuto), Stefanos Filos (violino), Avgerini Gatsi (voce), Panagiotis Katsikiotis (tamburi), Dimitris Katsoulis (violino), Ourania Lampropoulou (santour), Antonis Maratos (basso elettrico, double bass), Alexandros Rizopoulos (percussioni, voce), Thanassis Tzinas (voce)
Dramaturgy Georgina Kakoudaki e Guy Cools
Soundscape Sam Serruys
Light design Begoña Garcia Navas
Costume design Peggy Housset
Light/sound handling and technical direction Michel Delvigne
Financial management Herwig Onghena
Administration, production and tour management Nicole Petit
Production Siamese Cie - Koen Augustijnen & Rosalba Torres Guerrero
In coproduction with Athens e Epidaurus Festival, Festival d’Avignon, La Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand - scène nationale, Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg, La Villette Paris, Charleroi Danse, Arsenal Cité musicale-Metz, Le Manège Maubeuge, Théâtre Paul Eluard (TPE), Bezons, scène conventionnée d’intérêt national/art et création - danse, Le Maillon Strasbourg, POLE-SUD, Centre de Développement Chorégraphique National Strasbourg, Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, MARS Mons Arts de la Scène & Duncan Dance Research Center Athens
Supported by Belgian Tax Shelter, la città di Gent, Fondazione Caritro
Distribution ART HAPPENS - Sarah De Ganck

Duration 70 min

The project is supported by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto