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from Sep 02 2022
to Sep 06 2022

Autorimessa del Mart, Rovereto

Gaia Empathy #1 JORDAN

Pietro Marullo, Gaia Empathy #1 JORDAN

Pietro Marullo, an interdisciplinary artist whose works range from performance art to the visual arts with installations and the use of new technologies, returns to the Festival with a triple proposal on an element inseparable from human life: water.

Water harks back to our imagination of nature as a balanced, unchanging reality, opposed to and distinct from culture.

Marullo with Gaia Empathy #1 JORDAN wants to emphasise, on the contrary, how much it is linked to anthropological aspects and to analyse the conflicts and migrations that arise from its absence.

JORDAN is the first chapter of the broader Gaia Empathy, a film project that aims to show under an artistic lens those places on Earth, experienced by man, that present the most critical environmental problems.

Gaia Empathy #1 JORDAN

Concept and direction Pietro Marullo

Camera operator Pietro Marullo, Leonardo Bosnia

Sound Jean Noel Boissé

Dramaturgy consultant Enrico Pitozzi

Assistant Marianna Cifarelli


Supported by Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Idea Festival / Studio 8 Amman (Jordan), Italian Embassy Amman, Wallonie Bruxelles Internationale